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A Glance at Two Years of War

Auteur : PO-IRGC
Éditeur : AIDEI Date & Lieu : 1982, Paris
Préface : Pages : 176
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 140x210 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Poi. Gla. N° 3207Thème : Politique

A Glance at Two Years of War

A Glance at Two Years of War



In the imposed war, which the Iraqi regime started against Islamic Iran, the Islamic Republic of Iran is proving its independence from the east and west despite all the internal and external plots.
The war was financed and engineered by the U.S., and all other leftist and rightist enemies of the Islamic Revolution, indicating the noel trend of resistance that the Islamic Revolution had set, and tne severe threat that it posed to the predatory interests of the world imperialism. Islamic Iran aims at mobilizing the masses to rise against the despotic powers and their mercenaries. This opposition is proceeding in a way that it has united a mixed bag of multifarious people with conflicting views, be they the bloated leeches of the Persian Gulf, and the usurpers of the House of Allah in Mecca, the true standard bearers of the world of capitalism, or the false defenders of communism and toilers and workers, or nationalists, proud of being U.S. lackeys under the guise of nationalism, and devotees of the Shah and the monarchy. The threat against their nations is so frightening that they are all fighting against the Islamic Revolution of Iran.

Unfortunately, some leaders of the liberation movements of the region who have spent their years travelling to world’s capitals, hoping to win their freedom through haggling with ...


Introduction / 3

Chapter I
The Bounties of War / 9

Chapter II
Review of the Two-Year War / 23
Preliminaries of the Assault / 24
Aggression, Pause and Stabilisation / 27
Classic Warfare / 38
Limited Unconventional Operations, the Beginning of Small Advances / 40
Non Classic Extensive Operations / 23
Samin Ul-Aemeh Operations, the End of One-Year-Old Abadan Siege / 52
Tariq Ul Qods Operations - The Karbala Plan / 55
Fath Ul-Mobin Operations - Karbala (2) Plan / 61
The Battle of Beit Ul Moqaddas Karbala Plan / 70
Conclusion / 83

Chapter III
Global Dimensions of the Imposed War / 86
Iraq and the Imposed War / 87
The United States and the Imposed War / 105
Soviets and the Iraqi Imposed War / 117
Zionist Regime and the Imposed War / 128
The Non-Aligned Countries and the Imposed If War / 131
France and the Imposed War / 136
The U.N. and the Imposed War / 142
The Islamic Conference and the Imposed War / 145
Reactionary Regimes in the Region and the Imposed War / 148
The Steadfastness Front and the Imposed War / 154


“May the Lord smite thy foe, and set thee his successor on earth, that He may try you by your deeds.” Holy Quran 7.129.

Our future days might well be haunted by a deep sense of regret for having regarded the events that came to pass during the fateful days of our Islamic Revolution, not with due interest and attention.

While it took all artistic vision and the imaginative perspicuity of the great poets and mystics of the past to dramatize the ideals of devotion, faith and loyalty; thanks to the Islamic Revolution, we have been witnessing all these virtues personified, and the spirit turned flesh as it were of real people. In a world permeated with divine aspirations of the devotees of God. It is in such a spiritual climate that the tree of our Revolution flourishes.

Luminous moments of valour and self-sacrifice crush incessantly upon the shores of our earthly 'ives like tempetuous waves, sweeping all like tiny fleck of spray back to the dazzling ocean of light. Only worthless bits of splintered wood, trash, debris, and dead birds are eventually rejected and tossed upon the darkling shore.

In this milieu fraught with Divine blessings, the best thing to do is to edify oneself and purge from all impurities, and ready oneself to treading the path of God.

It is not surprising that the wayfares upon this holy path yearn for a re-enactment of the moments of martyrdom in Karbala. For centuries the followers of Imam Hussein have strived to evoke the inherent meaning of his epic stand, on that unforgettable day, ASHURA, and on that eversince hallowed spot, Karbala, by trying to withstand tyranny and despotism in every realms of life. Thus says Imam Khomeini, in this connection: “Glory to a nation which is blessed with youth such as you who have bestowed upon your people great honour, who have placed the nation upon the wings of angels, and made it proud all over the world.”

I kiss your powerful hands and arms, upon which rests the Hand of Allah, and I am indeed proud of this kiss. You paid your debt to the beloved Islam and the Islamic country, eradicated the influence of the superpowers and their lackeys from Iran, and so generously made jihad on the path of Islam.”

“I wish I were with you, to have accomplished a great victory.”
April 1st, 1982

What grief is deeper than passing by these great moments without the attention and pondering they deserve.

If we: review the wars of the early days of Islam we will realise these wars have been carried out with great insight and acuity. The Holy Quran has paid great attention to the wars of the holy of Islam This is because of the fact that in those, wars, Islam was battling against blasphemy and hypocrisy.

The lives of the Prophet and his followers have been graced with many blessings of God. However, the Holy Quran presents clear signs of the Divine help in those wars, and the ordeals by which Allah tries the believers. (1)

In those wars, God exposed the true face of the hypocrites such as the Jews of Bani Quraizah, etc. (2)

Moreover God made the true and devout supporters of the faith stand out from among; the dissemblers (3), the slothful and compromising. (4)

Alluding to the conduct of tne Muslims in the war of Uhud, for instance, the Holy Quran points out the errors (5), as well as the merits of the Muslims in a war, in which they were defeated.
In the same vein, Imam Ali in Nahj ul-Balagha analyzes the social problems stemming from the conflicts between the Muslims and various types of the bigots, the sanctimonious and the hypocrite. But the primary value ever stressed in this book is the unwavering devotion of the Muslims whose noble blood infuses fresh vigor into the Islamic faith.

That is why the devotees of the martyred Imam Hussein have made his valour and the unflinching devotion the supreme example of. their lives. It is true that all the followers of Imam Hussein were martyred or taken in captivity in that jihad, yet their struggles served to eternalise and universalise Islam.

Also it is true that after Imam Hussein hit. descendants each ennobled Islam through his individual self-sacrificing devotion; but over and above all these, it is the memorable martyrdom of Hussein that has stirred the heart and the soul of the Muslims throughout generations.
Hardly ever in history has a people commemorated so passionately the martyrs of centuries past. And rarely ever has a nation drawn so much spiritual vigor and religious inspiration from the blood of its martyrs kept fresh through constant commemoration and mourning. Imam Khomeini says in this connection; “It is Moharram and Safar which have kept Islam alive along with the sacrifices of Imam Hussein. You have to realise that in order to keep your movement alive, you must revive those traditional mournings for the movement of Imam Hussein. These two months are the months of Islam, in which we have to remind people of the sufferings of those Imams and the Household of the prophet of Islam. Through this tradition Islam has been able to survive.”

Karbala marks the apex of an inherent trend of absolute devotion in Islam. Each incident within this epic drama bear the indelible marks of a supreme providence that fits each separate part and each individual role into the cosmic frame of a Divine scheme.

In order to preserve a faithful account of the multiple aspects of the Iraqi imposed war on Iran, the political office of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, has undertaken this study, hoping that this war, in all its dimensions, would serve as a model for the salvation of all deprived people of the world from the yoke of the superpowers, and would herald an age of the revival and prolferation of the undying Islamic ideals.

(1) God helped you %t Badr, when you were a contemptible little force, then fear God, thus may you show your gratitude.
Remember you said to the faithful: ‘Is it not enough for you that.God should help you with three thousand angels (specially) sent dous-n. Yes, if you remain firm, and act aright, even if the enemy should rush here on you in hot haste, your Lord would help you with five thousand angels, making a terrific onslaught. God made it but a message of hope for you, and an assurance to your hearts: (in any case) there is no help except from God, the Exalted, the Wise,” Holy Quran, 3-123-6
(2) ‘‘You shall certainly be tested and tried in your possessions, and in your personal selves, and ye shall certainly hear much that will grieve you, from those who received the Book before you, and from those who worship many gods, but it ye perserve patiently, and guard against evil, then that will be a determining factor in all affairs. ” The Holy Quran 3.186
(3) “What ye suffered on the day the two armies met, was with the leave of God, in order that He might test the Believers, and the Hypocrites also, these were told: ‘Come, fight in the way of God, or (at least) drive (the foe from your city). They said: ‘Had we known how to fight, we should certainly have followed you." They were that day nearer to unbelief, than to faith, saying with their lips what was not in their hearts. But God had full knowledge of all they conceal.” The Holy Quran 3:166-8
(4) “And God turned back the unbelievers for (all) their fury, no advantage did they gain, and enough is God for the believers in their fight. And God is full of Strength, Able to enforce Hiss Will. And those of the people of the Book, who aided them, God did take them down from their strongholds and cast terror into their hearts, (so that), some ye slew, and some ye made prisoners. And, He made you heirs of their lands, their houses, and their goods, and of a land which ye had not frequented before and God has power over all things...” Holy Quran, 33:25-7
(5) '‘When a sura comes down, enjoining them to believe in God and to strive and fight along with His Apostle, those with wealth and influence among them ask three for exemption, and say ‘Leave us (behind), we would be with those sitting (at home).’ They prefer to be with (the women) who remain behind (at home) their hearts are sealed and so they understand wot.’’Holy Quran 9.86.7

The Bounties of War

“You did not slay the enemies, but Allah did!”
“And you did not smite them, but Allah did. In order to test the believers with a good trial, verily Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing”. The Holy Qur’an 8:17

In the imposed war, which the Iraqi regime started against Islamic Iran, the Islamic Republic of Iran is proving its independence from the east and west despite all the internal and external plots.

The war was financed and engineered by the U.S., and all other leftist and rightist enemies of the Islamic Revolution, indicating the noel trend of resistance that the Islamic Revolution had set, and tne severe threat that it posed to the predatory interests of the world imperialism. Islamic Iran aims at mobilizing the masses to rise against the despotic powers and their mercenaries. This opposition is proceeding in a way that it has united a mixed bag of multifarious people with conflicting views, be they the bloated leeches of the Persian Gulf, and the usurpers of the House of Allah in Mecca, the true standard bearers of the world of capitalism, or the false defenders of communism and toilers and workers, or nationalists, proud of being U.S. lackeys under the guise of nationalism, and devotees of the Shah and the monarchy. The threat against their nations is so frightening that they are all fighting against the Islamic Revolution of Iran.

Unfortunately, some leaders of the liberation movements of the region who have spent their years travelling to world’s capitals, hoping to win their freedom through haggling with abhorrent diplomacy of the predators. Hopeful to have a share in the defeat of the Islamic Revolution, they sometimes hug Saddam, Khaled, Fahd, and even Rajavi and Bani Sadr.
There has never been a revolution - excepting the revolution of the prophets - which has so successfully unmasked all the internal or external enemies.



A Glance at two Years of War


Association Islamique des Etudiants Iraniens
A Glance at Two Years of War
Political Office - Islamic Revolution’s Guards Corps

Association Islamique
Des Etudiants Iraniens
6, Rue Jean-Bart - 75006 Paris

Political Office,
Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps

Fondation-Institut kurde de Paris © 2024
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