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The Arab Shovel Driver Anfal Who Buried Victims

Nivîskar : Arif Qurbany
Weşan : Karo press Tarîx & Cîh : 2018, Košice - Slovaquie
Pêşgotin : Rûpel : 84
Wergêr : Abdulkarim UzeriISBN :
Ziman : ÎngilîzîEbad : 140x210 mm
Hejmara FIKP : Liv. Eng. Qur. Ara. (1) N° 5393Mijar : Giştî

The Arab Shovel Driver Anfal Who Buried Victims

The Arab Shovel Driver Anfal Who Buried Victims [English, Košice - Slovaquie, 2018]

Faraj the second eyewitness of the Anfal [English, Košice - Slovaquie, 2018]

Ramadan: The First Survivor of the Youth Mass Graves of Anfal [Kurdî, Košice - Slovaquie, 2018]

Taimur: The Only Survivor of Women and Children Anfal [English, Košice - Slovaquie, 2018]

Uzer: an ayawitness of the Anfal [English, Košice - Slovaquie, 2018]

Wahid: An Eyewitness of Anfal Genocidal Crimes [Kurdî, Košice - Slovaquie, 2018]

The Arab Shovel Driver Anfal Who Buried Victims

Arif Qurbany

Karo press

The witness is Abdulhasen Murad, an Arab born in the south of Iraq. Murad had worked for a long time with Iraqi security forces as a shovel driver. Murad's job was covering the victims with sand no matter whether they were alive or dead.
Within the Arabization plan of the Kurdish city of Kirkuk, Abdulhasen has got a house in Kirkuk. He was provided with false papers to prove that he was a descent inhabitant of Kirkuk.
The shovel driver claimed that he felt guilty of cooperating with The Ba'ath gang killing and burying masses of innocent people especially a one month old baby who was buried alive.
I took the opportunity to meet him in Kurdistan and to record this interview and to publish this little but valuable book on this interview.


We as (Aram Muhammed, Saud Mustafa and Sleman Jajis) are administration board of Baran Organization for the case of Anfal. We all lost our family members and relatives in Anfal Genocide. We all are working voluntarily in this organization. This is because we have suffered a lot due to losing our family members and relatives in the Anfal Genocide. We also can feel the pain of those people who lost their family members and relatives in the barbaric actions of Saddam's regime in the entire Iraq. And, one of the main objectives of our organization (Baran Organization for the case of Anfal) is to collect more information about crimes that done against people by Saddam's regime and try to documentary those data and information as an evidence. We want to collect information from the victims who suffered a lot by Saddam's regime.

In 2018, in the 30th anniversary of Anfal Genocide, we will try to do something very significant. We will print a book which is written by Arif Qurbany. This book is about those people who survived from the Anfal Genocide in 1988, and they are still alive. The author of this book interviewed with the victims and collected information in a book. This book is also translated to some other languages. Another part of our project that we will do is printing 6 books, and 5 of these books are about those people who survived from Anfal Genocide. And, the 6th book is about a driver who participated in Anfal Genocide by digging a huge hole to put the bodies of people in. We really want to work on Anfal Genocide in order to be known as an international Genocide. We want people around the world be aware of the Anfal Genocide from the victims of this genocide.

Staff of Baran Organization for the case of Anfal


The Kurds are a nation that live in their own traditional homeland know as Kurdistan. Their homeland is divided among occupied states of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, also none of these states ever made a proper statistics to know what the population of the Kurds are but the number must be over 30 million inhabitants.

None of these governments allow the Kurds to enjoy their basic rights like establishing their own state or enjoying a real self-rule.

Turkey occupies the largest portion of Kurdistan. The biggest Kurdish population lives in that part of Kurdistan which is called Anatoly or southeast of Turkey. The citizens of Kurdish origin live under Turks oppression for long centuries.

The Kurdish real identity is either denied or misrepresented. Today they say there are no Kurds in Turkey, tomorrow they are primitive mountainous Turks the other day they are a group of bandits. Their language is forbidden and their culture is never respected. All these and the Turks classify themselves as seculars and best democrats of the whole region, they even try to become a member of the most prestigious body in the, the European Union.
The consecutive governments have signed most of the treaties that respect the human rights but in fact they violate all of them. They have broken world record of murdering human rights activists and duly elected parliamentarians. Security Forces are rewarded for beheading Kurdish citizens and posing in front of TV cameras claiming that what they carry are heads of Kurdish rebels!

Turkish military authorities refused every international effort to find a fair and a peaceful solution to the Kurdish questions. Instead of investing money in developing the shaky economy, they purchase sophisticated military equipment for destructions in Kurdistan.
The most barbarian occupying regime among all, no doubt is Iraq. The unfair treatment of the Kurdish people of Iraq started in 1920s by the Britain. For many geopolitical and economic interests they robbed off their rights of self- determination rule and annexated their land to the newly established Pro-British Iraqi Government in Baghdad violating Sever Treaty Found by British and French governments.

The Kurds were regarded as Iraqi citizens. They were used to consolidate the Sunni Arabs populations against the Shiites. Arab tribes were urged to inhabit in areas around Kirkuk's oil rich city. From that day and on the Arabization of that historic Kurdish city had started. For the same reasons Mussel District was annexed to Iraq as well.

No doubt the most tragic suffering Of the Kurdish people came fro the Arab Chauvinist Ba'ath Party. They first came to power in 1963. In June of that year, General Sdik Mustafa carried out a mass killing campaign against the civilian inhabitants of Suleimanya city. Few months later that party was toppled by another military coup. However, they managed to come back to rule Baghdad once more in 1968.

Saddam Hussein was the most criminal character of that regime. He began with exterminating almost all his comrades in the party to pave the way to establish one of the most tyrannical regimes of the recent history. He engineered a full scale genocidal campaign against this nation. As George Quintan put in forwarding a similar book, Saddam Hussein had started, in 1983 with mass-killing of eight thousand Barzani men who were living peacefully in collective settlement controlled by his regime’s army. All efforts including European diplomatic mediations had failed to find a single trace of them.

Yet the worst to come, Saddam had appointed his cousin Ali Hassan "Ali the Chemical" As his right hand to carry out his notorious genocidal plan. Ali resumed his work in April 15th 1987, beginning with chemical bombardment of more than twenty Kurdish towns and villages including Halabja and Balisan. Thousands of defend less civilians were killed.

As from February 1988, the greatest crimes of late twenty's century had begun. The name Qur'an Sura "Anfal" was chosen for this dirty criminal campaign. Eight operations of mass killing and mass burring were carried out between February and August of that year. Tons of documents are now available in the US. These prove that 182,000 men, women and children were killed and buried together in the Arabia Desert. The Arab Witness who is interviewed in this book claims that he buried a one month old infant alive. Beside all these crimes the Arabization of Kirkuk and tens of towns and villages in Kurdistan had continued.

Syria, ruled by a twin Ba'ath party had started the same plan of eradicating of the Kurdish population even earlier than their partner in Iraq, but they do it with less noise.
Iran is not prepared to grant their Kurdish population the constitutional rights either. Instead they murder the Kurdish leaders wherever they are.

The big question that rises here is; why Arabs und Turks conceal such shameless enmity against their peaceful neighbors the Kurds?
Most probably the reason is; none of them is the real owner of the land known as Kurdistan. Kurdistan, the oldest land inhabited by the human being. And the inhabitants of this land are the Kurds them selves. Congressman Filner gives this valuable information on this subject during a speech addressing the House of Representatives on May 1st 1997; telling the following facts: (The Kurds have resided in their present homelands for thousands of years. Kurdish Guti kings have ruled Persia and Mesopotamia over 4000 years ago. Before that, the Neolithic revolution probably first took place in Kurdistan, around 7000 B.C., 3,500 years before similar development in Europe.

Some of the earliest towns and villages as well as other human settlements, have been discovered in Kurdistan. Yet, one of the largest nations in the Middle East is prevented from exercising sovereignty over any part of its own land. It is an International colony, governed over by the states of Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria.)

In the year the New-Yorker Magazine Awake had published an article, describing Kurdistan as the land of Adam and Eve, and for that reason Abraham visited that region enjoying the life of the divine land.

For all these reasons, the occupiers of Kurdistan are trying to claim the ownership of this prestigious land. Seemingly, they think that they can not do that with out getting rid of the original people.

Abdulkarim Uzeri.


In a series of booklets of recording the stories of Anfal witnesses, I have tried to reveal some hidden aspects of this horrific genocidal campaign that Saddam Hussein's regime carried out against the Kurdish people of Iraq. Those witnesses were Anfal subjects who could one or another escape the firing squads. For the safety of the Witnesses and there families, we intensified the publishing works after the fall of Saddam' regime in 2003. Fortunately after his fall a witness of another category turned up an executioner not a victim!

The witness is Abdulhasen Murad, an Arab born in the south of Iraq. Murad had worked for a long time with Iraqi security forces as a shovel driver. Murad's job was covering the victims with sand no matter whether they were alive or dead.

Within the Arabization plan of the Kurdish city of Kirkuk, Abdulhasen has got a house in Kirkuk. He was provided with false papers to prove that he was a descent inhabitant of Kirkuk.
The shovel driver claimed that he felt guilty of cooperating with The Ba'ath gang killing and burying masses of innocent people especially a one month old baby who was buried alive. I took the opportunity to meet him in Kurdistan and to record this interview and to publish this little but valuable book on this interview.

Arif Qurbany

This how the interview started

Will you be so kind to tell us your name?
My name is Abdulhasen Mohan Murad.

When were you born?
I was born in 1961.

I was born In Kut*.

Do you mean in Kut city itself?
No I'm born in a village called Umm Re'an in
Hay County which is belong to the governorate of Kut

What was your father's profession?
He worked as a farmer.

Was he an educate man?
Do you mean my father?

Yes, I do.
No, I don't think so. He had never been to school.

How was the living standard of your family?
Our life was not bad.

How many brothers and sister do you have?
I have one brother and four sisters. All together we are eight persons.

Was there a school in your village?
Yes, there was one school known by the name of our village Umm Re'an.


Arif Qurbany

The Arab Shovel Driver Anfal Who Buried Victims


Karo press
The Arab Shovel Driver Anfal Who Buried Victims
Arif Qurbany
Translated from Kurdish by Abdulkarim Uzeri

The project of Printing a Book of Genocide
Baran Organization for the case of Anfal

Name of the book: The Arab Shovel Driver Who Buried Anfal Victims
Author: Arif Kareem Qurbanee
Translator: Abdulkarim Uzeri
Designer: Arif Kareem
Designer of the cover: Aram Shwani
Published by: Karo press
First edition: 2018
Number of copies: 1000

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