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The Kurds of Azerbaijan and Armenia

Auteur : Julie Flint
Éditeur : Kurdish Human Rights Project Date & Lieu : 1998, London
Préface : Pages : 110
Traduction : ISBN : 1 900175 22 3
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 145x210 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Fli. Kur. N° 4037Thème : Sociologie

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The Kurds of Azerbaijan and Armenia

The Kurds of Azerbaijan and Armenia

Julie Flint

Kurdish Human Rights Project

The Kurdish claim:
Azerbaijan: "The government does everything for the Kurds."
Armenia: "Armenia provides ail the possibilities."

The reality:
- In Azerbaijan, Kurds have a measure of cultural freedom that is severely limited by displacement, impoverishment and unease.
- In Armenia, social, educational and political opportunities for Kurds are declining alarmingly.

The Kurds of Azerbaijan and Armenia
- Provides an account of Kurdish history in the former Soviet Union
- Describes the current situation of the Kurds
- Indicates where minority rights are not respected while recognising the difficulties faced by these emergent nation states
- Examines the discrepancy between the complacency of the Kurdish elite and the reality at grassroots level, and suggests reasons for it.

This report is produced by the Kurdish Human Rights Project thanks to a generous grant from NOVIB (Netherlands Organization for International Development Cooperation)

Julie Flint is a freelance journalist and filmmaker specialising in the Middle East and Africa.

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