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The Safe Haven in Northern Iraq

Auteur :
Éditeur : KHRP Date & Lieu : 1995, London
Préface : Pages : 176
Traduction : ISBN : 1 900175 00 2
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 145x210 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Coo. Saf. N°3881Thème : Général

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The Safe Haven in Northern Iraq

The Safe Haven in Northern Iraq

Helena Cook


In March 1991, following the Gulf War a radical act of humanitarian intervention by Britain France and the United States, invoking Resolution 688 of the Security Council, established safe havens in Northern Iraq.
The objective was to protect the Kurds and other inhabitants from the onslaught of Sadam Hussein’s Republican Guards, an objective which has been achieved through the threat of the use of airpower from bases in Turkey and by agreement with Turkey.

Four years on, this important report on the background to the safe haven policy and what has happened since, is intended to remind the international community of its continued responsibility for its own creation of Iraqi Kurdistan.
This report, published by the Human Rights Centre, University of Essex and the Kurdistan Human Rights Project, London, is a thorough and scholarly analysis of urgent and as yet unanswered questions- what is to be the future of the autonomy achieved in Iraqi Kurdistan? Should the Security Council vote to lift sanctions on Iraq, what human rights and democratic guarantees will it offer to the Kurds in the aftermath?

The study is offered as a resource to those who must now address these issues. The debate that must occur should not just be among those few countries presently proVIding aerial protection for the enclave but the entire United Nations as well as Iraqi Kurds themselves.

Helena Cook is an international human rights lawyer. She has law degrees from Cambridge UnIVersity, U.K, and Harvard Law School, USA and is a qualified lawyer in the UK. She was head of the Legal and Intergovermental Organisations Office at Amnesty International from 1990-1994, haVIng worked as a legal adVIser in that office since 1987.

Prior to that she spent four years with the New York based Lawyers Committee for Human Rights as a staff attorney. Since 1994 she has worked as a lecturer and consultant in international law and human rights is a Fellow of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Essex. In September 1995 she joins the UK-based Public Law Project as Director of Policy and Research.

She has authored a number of publications relating to international law and human rights and the work of non-governmental organisations.


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