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Models for the schooling of Kurdish students in Turkey

Auteur :
Éditeur : DİSA Date & Lieu : 2012, İstanbul
Préface : Pages : 60
Traduction : ISBN : 978-605-5458-13-3
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 195x270mm
Code FIKP : Liv. En.Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
Models for the schooling of Kurdish students in Turkey

Models for the schooling of Kurdish students in Turkey

M. Şerif Derince


Many individuals and institutions have greatly contributed to the realization of this report. First of all, we would like to thank all the teachers who participated in the three workshops organized by the Diyarbakir Institute for Political and Social Research (DİSA) for sharing their precious knowledge, experience and time. Many of the subjects mentioned in this report would have never been recognized without their contribution. It was also thanks to them that we were able to learn about the specific conditions and needs of Kurdish students.

Second, we would like to express sincere gratitude to Dr. Susan Malone and Dr. Carol Benson. They have generously shared their knowledge and experience of advocating for mother-tongue-based multilingualism and actively participating in the preparation and implementation of various mother-tongue-based multilingual education programs ...

Table des Matières


Preface / 7
Acknowledgments / 10
Introduction / 11
Terminology and a Few Notes / 12
Scar of Tongue in Summary / 13

Chapter 1: The Heterogeneity of Kurdish Students / 15
1.00. Gender, Mother Tongue and Schooling of Kurdish Girls / 15
1.10. The Kurdish Language and Gender / 17
1.11. Differences Between Villages, Rural Areas, and City Centers / 18
1.12. Class Differences / 18
1.13 Political Orientations of Families and the Use of Kurdish / 19
1.14 Levels of Multilingualism / 19
1.15 Migration / 20
1.16 Dialect and Subdialect Differences / 22
1.17 Differences in Believes / 25
1.20 Evaluation / 25

Chapter 2: Education and Multilingualism / 26
2.00. Education Systems in the World / 26
2.20 Types of Literacy and Critical Literacy / 27
2.30. The Use of Mother Tongue in Education and Common Models / 29
2.40 Multilingualism and Multicompetence as a Dynamic Process versus Monolingualism / 36
2.50 Teacher Training on Linguistic and Cultural Differences / 37
2.60 Parent Participation / 38
2.70. Foundations of Multilingual Education / 39

Chapter 3: Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual and Multidialectal Dynamic Education Models for the Schooling of the Kurdish Students in Turkey / 41
3.00- Questions and Issues That Should Be Addressed by the Models / 43
3.10 Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual and Multidialectal Dynamic Education Models for Different Contexts / 45
Model 1- Kurdish-Based Gradual Multilingual and Multidialectal Education / 46
Model 2- Kurdish-Turkish Balanced Gradual Multilingual and Multidialectal Education / 49
Model 3- Turkish-Based Gradual Multilingual and Multidialectal Education / 52
Model 4- Language Revitalization Program for the Kurdish Students Whose First Language has Become Turkish / 55
3.20 Kurdish Education in the Transition Period / 57

Conclusion / 58
Bibliography / 59

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