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Quaderni di Oriente Moderno

Auteur :
Éditeur : Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino Date & Lieu : 2008-01-01, Roma
Préface : Pages : 200
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : ItalienFormat : 155x235 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Ita. Gal. Med. 2986Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
Quaderni di Oriente Moderno

Oriente Moderno

Mirella Galletti

Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino

During thè last few centuries, thè orientai lands have been thè focus of ar- tention of visitors and explorers from Muslim and European countries. For politicai and geographical reasons, Iran has always fascinated thè visitors. The Iranian road and trade networks, have contributed effectively to thè lame of Iran. Muslims and also some other travellers usually chose sea routes, but Euro- peans preferred land routes. The traditional routes were as follows:

1. The western route: through Moscow, Constantinople, Alexandria thè Red Sea, or in

Table des Matières


Mirella Galletti, Introduzione / i-viii

Maryam Mir-Ahmadi, Marco Polo in Iran / 1-13
Carlos Alonso, I missionari Teatini in Georgia nel secolo XVII / 15-23
Angelo Michele Piemontese, Lapidi di militari e civili emigrati d'Italia in Persia / 25-70
Annita Garibaldi, Impero ottomano e Impero russo nella formazione umana e professionale di Giuseppe Garibaldi / 71-100
Mario Casari, Un musicista alla corte ottomana Giuseppe Donizetti / 101-110
Mirella Galletti, Ufficiali, medici effnzionari italiani tra Impero Ottomano e Persia / 111-133
Yesim Isil Ulman, Portraits ofltalians in health affairs in lff century: Dr. Castaldi, Pharmacist A. Calleja, Midwifo Messani / 135-149
Luca D. Biolato, Gli italiani fondatori delle moderne poste egiziane / 151-167
Aldo Prinzivalli, Ospedali medici italiani, in Egitto tra Ottocento e Novecento / 169-184

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