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The Modern History of Iraq

Auteur :
Éditeur : Westview Press Date & Lieu : 1985, London & Boulder
Préface : Pages : 382
Traduction : ISBN : (U.S.): 0-86531-119-6 / (U.K.): 0-582-78344-5
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 150x215 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Mar. Mod. N°1320Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
The Modern History of Iraq

The Modern History of Iraq

Phebe Marr

Westview Press

Iraq is a nation in search of cultural identity, a modern state that is attempting to accommodate the traditions of a very old society while coping with the rapid political and economic changes of the twentieth century. In this up-to-date study, Dr. Marr examines the political, economic, and social transformations that have created modern Iraq, beginning with its inception in 1920 and continuing through the 1958 revolution to today’s Ba'th regime. Her sympathetic but not uncritical look at Iraq’s problems and prospects, its political life, and its changing social and economic structure affords a clear picture of the country’s current political dynamics and its distinctive character as an Arab state in transition.

Phebe Marr is associate professor in the Department of History at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She lived in Iraq for several years while studying the national movement there and has conducted extensive interviews with Iraqi politicians, educators, and scholars. In addition to Iraqi publications and British archives, Dr. Marr has drawn upon information obtained from these interviews as source material for this book and other studies on Iraq.


Table des Matières


List of Illustrations / xi
Preface / xiii
Note on Transliteration / xvii

1 The Legacy of the Past / 1
The Land / 1
The People / 5
Arab Sht‘ah / 5
Arab Sunnis / 7
The Kurds / 8
Other Minorities / 9
Town and Tribe / 12
Civilizations of the Past / 13
Ancient Mesopotamia / 13
The Islamic Empires / 16
The Ottoman Empire / 18

2 The British Mandate, 1920-1932 / 29
The British Occupation / 30
The 1920 Revolt / 32
Britain’s Indirect Rule / 34
Mosul, the Kurdish Problem, and Oil / 40
Emergence of the Nationalist Movement / 43
Political Dynamics under the Mandate / 46
The 1930 Treaty and the End of the Mandate / 50
The New Nationalist Opposition / 51

3 An Era of Instability, 1932-1945 / 55
Erosion of National Unity, 1932-1936 / 57
Struggle for Power / 60
The Bakr Sidqi Coup / 68
The Army in Politics, 1937-1941 / 76
The Rashid ‘All Coup / 82
The Second British Occupation, 1941-1945 / 86

4 The Old Regime, 1946-1958 / 95
Early Attempts at Liberalization / 96
The Demise of Liberalization / 100
The Portsmouth Treaty and the Wathbah / 101
War in Palestine / 106
The Struggle for Syria / 108
Economic Development / 110
The Riots of 1952 / 112
Faysal II / 113
The Baghdad Pact / 116
The Suez Crisis / 119
The UAR and the Federation / 121
Opposition and the Establishment / 122

5 Economic and Social Change
Under the Old Regime / 127
Economic Development / 128
The Changing Social Structure / 135
Ethnic and Sectarian Integration / 143
Intellectual and Cultural Change / 147

6 The Revolution Begins: The Qasim Era, 1958-1963 / 153
The Free Officers / 153
The 14 July Coup / 155
Struggle for Power / 159
Social and Economic Revolution / 169
The Kurdish War / 176
Foreign Policy Failures / 179

7 The Arab Nationalists in Power, 1963-1968 / 183
The Iraqi Ba‘th in 1963 / 184
The First ‘Arif Regime / 190
The Regime of ‘Arif the Second / 197
The Coup of 17 July 1968 / 204

8 The Ba‘th in Power / 211
Emergence of a New Political Order / 212
Consolidation of Power, 1968-1973 / 213
Ba‘th Foreign Policy: The Radical Phase, 1969-1973 / 220
The One-Party State / 225
Opposition to the Regime / 232
Economic and Social Development / 240
Iraq’s Foreign Policy / 244

9 Economic and Social Change Under
Revolutionary Regimes / 247
The Direction of Economic Development / 248
The Changing Social Structure / 270
Ethnic and Sectarian Integration / 281
Cultural Change / 286

10 The Iran-Iraq War / 291
Causes of the War / 292
The Course of the War / 294
Effects of the War / 299
Iraq’s Future / 309
Notes / 313

Bibliography / 343
Glossary / 355
Name Index / 361
Subject Index / 367

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