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The Scourging of Iraq

Auteur :
Éditeur : Macmillan Press Date & Lieu : 1998, London & New York
Préface : Pages : 364
Traduction : ISBN : 0-333-74629-5 & 0-3l2-16l82-4
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 140x215 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Sim. Sco. N° 3307Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
The Scourging of Iraq

The Scourging of Iraq

Geoff Simons

Macmillan Press
St. Martin’s Press

The main purpose of this book is to highlight the continuing and unjustifiable punishment of the Iraqi people through economic sanctions. It rests on the simple principle, enshrined in the Protocol 1 Addition (1977) to the Geneva Convention (1949), that the starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is illegal and ethically indefensible. The book does not represent apology or exculpation for Saddam Hussein (I have charted his bloody rise to power in Iraq: From Sumer to Saddam, 1994). It is important to remember that many of the politicians, business leaders, pundits and journalists who today are keenest to maintain economic sanctions on Iraq are precisely the people who in the 1980s did all they could to build up and sustain the tyrannical Iraqi regime. What is argued here is that it is unjustifiable in both law (Protocol 1; UN General Assembly Resolution 96(1); the UN Genocide Convention; etc.) and natural justice to target helpless men, women and children as a method of overthrowing a national ...

Table des Matières


List of Tables / ix
List of Figures / ix
The Chronology of Genocide / x
Preface to the Second Edition / xiii
Preface to the First Edition / xiv
Acknowledgements / xvi
Introduction / xvii

1 The Legacy of War / 1
Preamble / 1
The War / 4
The Targets / 11
The People / 15
The Environment / 20
The Desolation / 27

2 The Chronology of Sanctions / 33
Preamble / 33
The Chronology of Sanctions / 34
The Disarmament Issue / 73
The 706/712/986 Ploy / 98

3 Targeting the Powerless / 105
Preamble / 105
The Ravaged Environment / 109
The Sanctions System / 113
Suffer the Children / 122
Suffer the Women / 131
The Food Weapon / 136
The Health Weapon / 150
Epilogue / 171

4 The Face of Genocide / 174
The Sanctions Option / 175
The League and the United Nations / 184
The US and Sanctions / 187
Law and the Gulf / 194
The Face of Genocide / 205
Epilogue / 211

5 The New Holocaust / 214
Preamble / 214
Slow Extermination / 215
Propaganda and 986 / 227
1990s Genocide / 240
Superpower Isolation / 243
Epilogue / 247

1 Security Council Resolutions 660 and 661 / 251
2 EEC Declaration concerning the Iraqi invasion of
Kuwait; and Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2340/90 / 254
3 Security Council Resolution 687 / 259
4 Security Council Resolutions 707 and 715 / 268
5 Security Council Resolutions 706, 712 and 986 / 274
6 Rights of the Child, Note Vcrbale (16 January 1995) from Iraq to UN Centre for Human Rights, Geneva / 284
7 The Impact of the Blockade on Iraq, Note Vcrbale (16 January 1995) from Iraq to UN Centre for Human Rights, Geneva - Extract / 291
8 Malaysian Conference Resolution (May 1994) against Economic Sanctions on Iraq / 300
9 Protocol 1, Addition to the Geneva Conventions, 1977 - Extract / 304
10 Criminal Complaint against the United States by Ramsey Clark (14 November 1996), former Attorney-General of the United States / 310
11 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide / 313
12 Verdict of the International Court for Crimes against Humanity Committed by the UN Security Council on Iraq (October 1996) / 317
13 Sanctions Details in UN Documents (Extracts) - March 1997 to October 1997 / 22

Conclusion / 327

Notes / 328

Bibliography / 346

Index / 348

List of Tables

1.1 Some bombed establishments and power plants with associated environmental damage / 24
1.2 Chemical releases from bombed installations / 26

3.1 Items for Iraq vetoed by the UN Sanctions Committee / 118
3.2 Impact of sanctions on the health of children under 5 / 128
3.3 Food price increases in Iraq caused by one year of sanctions / 140
3.4 Decline in Iraq’s animals / 142
3.5 Inflation of basic food prices (July 1990-November 1993) / 149
3.6 Increase in disease incidence in Iraq (1989-91) / 159
3.7 Increase in disease incidence in Iraq (1989-92) / 160
3.8 Increases in undcr-5 and ovcr-50 mortality as a result of sanctions / 163
3.9 Increase in incidence of some communicable diseases (1989-93) / 169

4.1 Selected pre-First World War examples of economic sanctions / 176
4.2 Countries targeted by US (acting alone) for sanctions / 188
4.3 Countries targeted by US (acting in concert) for sanctions / 189

5.1 Malnutrition, children under five, monthly average / 218
5.2 Food shortages in Iraq, 1995-96 / 219
5.3 Reduction in consumption of basic items / 221
5.4 Deaths resulting from the economic embargo / 222
5.5 Infant deaths from various causes / 222
5.6 Ovcr-50 mortality rates / 223
5.7 Total deaths caused by the economic embargo / 223

List of Figures

3.1 Increases in malnutrition among children in Baghdad / 137
5.1 Chronology of implementation of Resolution 986 / 230
5.2 UN declarations prohibiting food embargoes / 241

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