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The Gulf War Reader

Auteurs : |
Éditeur : Times Books Date & Lieu : 1991, New York
Préface : Pages : 528
Traduction : ISBN : 0-812-91947-5
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 130x200mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Sif. Gul. N° 2808Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
The Gulf War Reader

The Gulf War Reader

Micah L. Sifry
Christopher Cerf

Times Books

"Sifry and Cerf have edited a book on the Gulf War that will stand for the foreseeable future as the authoritative statement from different points of view about the continuing tragedy in the Gulf and Middle East. The book contains basic historical documents, articles from leading analysts in the field, and political commentary which will leave the reader reeling from the intrigue, misperception, animosity, xenophobia, and skullduggery which is the story of oil, politics, great-power rivalries, colonial grabs, and nationalist yearnings. The collection should be read from beginning to end, for it reads like a frightening suspense novel, as well as a cautionary tale about human weakness."

-Marcus Raskin, Distinguished Fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies,
and co-editor (with Bernard B. Fall) of The Vietnam Reader

"The Gulf War Reader is a timely and indispensable guide to the underlying issues, interests, and passions that erupted in the world's first post-Cold War conflict.”
-William Hyland, editor of Foreign Affairs and author of The Cold War Is Over

"Historical background, uncensored reportage and polemic from every imaginable point of view-mainstream and alternative-left, right, and off the political spectrum. A must-read for the informed citizen in search of all the views fit to print."
-ERIC Utne, editor-in-chief, Utne Reader

Contributors include: George Bush, Jimmy Carter, Walter Cronkite, Elizabeth Drew, Theodore Draper, Barbara Ehrenreich, Thomas L. Friedman, Todd Gitlin, April Glaspie, David Halberstam, Christopher Hitchens, Saddam Hussein, Henry A. Kissinger, Bernard Lewis, Edward IM. Luttwak, Judith Miller, William Pfaff, William Satire, Edward W. Said, Robert Scheer, Daniel Yergin.

Table des Matières


An Introductory Note / v

Roots of Conflict
Imperial Legacy
Phillip Knightley / 3
Lines in the Sand
Glenn Frankel / 16
Oil: The Strategic Prize
Daniel Yergin / 21
U.S. Intervention in the Middle East: A Case Study
Micah L. Sifry / 27
From Rapid Deployment to Massive Deployment
Joe Stork and Martha Wenger / 34
American Hubris
Theodore Draper / 40
Iraq vs. Kuwait: Claims and Counterclaims
Walid Khalidi / 57
The Rise of Saddam Hussein
Judith Miller and Laurie Mylroie / 66
The Iraq Lobby: Kissinger, the Business Forum & Co.
Joe Conason / 79
What Washington Gave Saddam for Christmas
Murray Waas / 85
Prelude to War
Kuwait: How the West Blundered
The Economist / 99
Realpolitik in the Gulf: A Game Gone Tilt
Christopher Hitchens / 107
U.S. Senators Chat with Saddam (April 12, 1990) / 119
The Glaspie Transcript: Saddam Meets the U.S, Ambassador
(July 25, 1990) / 122
Nightmare From the Thirties
Charles Krauthammer / 134
The U.N. Resolutions: The Complete Text / 137
Iraq’s Occupation of Kuwait: Excerpts from Amnesty
International’s Report (December 19, 1990) / 157
Why Some Arabs Support Saddam
Walid Khalidi / 161
The Geneva Meeting (Remarks of January 9, 1991)
James A. Baker 3 D, Tariq Aziz, George Bush / 172
The Letter to Saddam (January 9, 1991)
George Bush / 178
Washington Prepares for War.
Elizabeth Drew / 180

Intervention and Escalation:
The Debate
In Defense of Saudi Arabia (Speech of August 8, 1990)
George Bush / 197
Saddam’s Next Target
A. M. Rosenthal / 200
Washington’s “Vital Interests”
Thomas L. Friedman / 203
If My Marine Son is Killed…
Alex Molnar / 207
The Hitler Analogy
William Safire / 210
Have the Neocons Thought This Through?
Patrick Buchanan / 213
Andrew Kopkind / 216
The Myth of Iraq’s Oil Stranglehold
Doug Bandow / 219
Taking International Law Seriously
Michael Kinsley / 221
The Need to Negotiate
Jimmy Carter / 225
The Need for an Offensive Military Option
(Speech of November 8, 1990)
George Bush / 228
On the Gulf and Middle East Crisis
National Council Of Churches Of Christ / 230
Give Sanctions a Chance (Testimony Before the Senate Armed
Services Committee, November 28, 1990)
Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr / 234
How to Cut Iraq Down to Size (Testimony Before the Senate
Armed Services Committee, November 28, 1990)
Henry A. Kissinger / 238
How Close Is Iraq to the Bomb? (Testimony Before the Senate
Armed Services Committee, November 30, 1990)
Gary Milhollin / 243
The Drift to War (Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, December 5, 1990)
Zbigniew Brzezinski / 251
Sanctions Work: The Historical Record
Kimberly Elliott, Gary Hufbauer, Jeffrey Schott / 255
The Obligation to Debate (Speech of January 4, 1991)
Senator Tom Harkin / 260
White Slaves in the Persian Gulf
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr . / 265
The Case for Intervention
Representative Stephen J . Solarz / 269
A Return to Cold War Thinking (Speech of January 10, 1991)
Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan / 284
Authorization for Use of Military Force (Joint Congressional
Resolution of January 12, 1991) / 287
Agencies of Disorder
Edward N. Luttwak / 290
Who Wants Another Panama?
Barbara Ehrenreich / 299
A Just War?
Michael Walzer / 302
The Use (and Abuse) of the United Nations
Noam Chomsky / 307
The Liberation of Kuwait Has Begun
(Speech of January 16, 1991)
George Bush / 311
The Mother of All Battles (Speech of January 20, 1991)
Saddam Hussein / 315
Is This Any Way to Wage Peace?
John E. Mack And Jeffrey Z. Rubin / 317
Toward a Difficult Peace Movement
Todd Gitlin / 320
The Forgotten War
Robert Massa / 323
Hymn for the Unsung
Ariel Dorfman / 326
The Illogic of Escalation (Statement of February 9, 1991)
Mikhail S. Gorbachev / 329
Bombing Baghdad: No Cause for Guilt
Charles Krauthammer / 331
Top Gun Party
c o lm a n McCarthy / 334
Iraq Is Ready to Deal (Radio Address of February 15, 1991)
Revolutionary Command Council / 337
A Cruel Hoax (Speech of February 15, 1991)
George Bush / 343
Soviet Peace Proposal (February 22, 1991) / 345
Why Moscow Wants To Save Saddam
A. M. Rosenthal / 346
The Ultimatum (Statement of February 22, 1991)
George Bush / 349
Criteria for Withdrawal (Statement of February 22, 1991)
Marlin Fitzwater / 351

The First Casualty
How the Media Missed the Story
James Bennet / 355
A Muzzle for the Press
Sydney H. Schanberg / 368
Free to Report What We’re Told
Robert Fisk / 376
What Is There to Hide?
Walter Cronkite / 381
Television and the Instant Enemy
David Halberstam / 385
George Black / 389

The Agony of the Middle East
The Crisis of the Arab World
Fred Halliday / 395
The Bitter Fruits of War
Rami G. Khouri / 402
The Decline of Pan-Arabism
Bernard Lewis / 405
A Few of Our Favorite Kings
Dilip Hiro / 408
In the Wake of “Desert Storm”
SCOTT Macleod / 412
The Palestinians and the Gulf Crisis
Rashid Khalidi / 423
War and Peace in Israel
Robert I. Friedman / 431
On Linkage, Language, and Identity
Edward W. Said / 439

Pax American a Redux
Kuwait Is Liberated (Speech of February 27, 1991)
George Bush / 449
Onward Christian Soldiers
Lewis H. Lapham / 452
A False Dream
Henry A. Kissinger / 461
The Pentagon’s New Paradigm
Michael T. Klare / 466
Why We Need to Police the World
Anthony H. Cordesman / 477
What Will This War Mean?
Marcy Darnovsky, L. A. Kauffman, Billy Robinson / 480
More Likely a New World Disorder
William Pfaff / 487
What a Wonderful War
Robert Scheer / 492

Further Reading / 498
Index / 511

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