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The Kurds: A Concise Handbook

Auteur :
Éditeur : Crane Russak Date & Lieu : 1992, Washington
Préface : Pages : 270
Traduction : ISBN : 0-8448-1727-9
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 175x245 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Iza. Kur. N° 2413Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
The Kurds: A Concise Handbook

The Kurds: A Concise Handbook

Mehrdad R. Izady

Crane Russak

This book rethinks the relevance of the social sciences, both Marxist and liberal, to social change in the "Third World." The authors are concerned with the failure of contemporary development theory to explain and take seriously the dynamic histories of the peoples of Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Breaking with unlinear, ahistorical approaches in economics, sociology, political science, and psychology, the essays explore a broad range of issues in an attempt to break new ground.
Topics discussed include: the link between democracy and raising productivity; the respective influence of technology and social relations in industrialization; the contribution to and participation in development of peasants; the conflict between individual freedom and authoritarianism; the changing relations of governments; and political alliances formed around development issues.

Mehrdad Izady is currently a lecturer in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University. He has undergraduate degrees in History, Political Science, and Geography and masters degrees in International Affairs, Geography, and Middle Eastern Studies. His doctorate is in Middle Eastern Studies from Columbia University. He has lectured widely and testified before two U.S. Congressional subcommittees on the Kurds. He has published extensively in the Kurdish Times as well as The Middle East Journal. He has also contributed to the Encyclopedia of Asian History and has published maps on the distribution of Kurds.

Table des Matières


List of Maps / ix
List of Tables / xi
List of Figures / jcii
Preface / xiii
Notes on Sources, Spelling and Other Observations / xv
Acknowledgtnen ts / xvii

Chapter 1: Geography
Boundaries & Political Geography / 1
Plotting the Geographical Distribution of Kurds / 3
Internal Subdivisions / 8

Chapter 2: Land & Environment
Terrain / 13
Geology / 14
Climate & Rainfall / 16
Environment & Ecology / 18
Flora & Fauna / 20

Chapter 3: History
Prehistory & Early Technological Development: 10,000-3000 BC / 23
Agricultural Technology and the Spread of the Indo-European Language / 27
Historical Periods
Ancient: 3000-400 BC / 28
Classical: 5th Century BC to 6th Century AD / 34
Medieval: 6th to 16th Century AD / 41
1 i Early Modern:1497-1918 / 49
Modem: 1919-1959 / 59
Recent: 1960-Present / 67

Chapter 4: Human Geography
Physical Anthropology / 73
Tribes / 74
Historical Migrations / 86
Emigrations & Diaspora / 99
Deportations & Forced Resettlements / 101
Integration & Assimilation / 108
Demography / 111
Future Trends / 118
Urbanization 8c Urban Centers / 120
Ethnic Minorities in Kurdistan / 126

Chapter 5: Religion
Overview / 131
Islam / 133
Cult of Angels
Yarsanism / 145
Alevism / 150
Yezidism / 153
Sufi Mystic Orders / 158
Judaism / 162
Christianity / 163
Bdbism & Bah a ism / 165

Chapter 6: Language, Literature, & Press
Kurmanji / 172
Pahlawani / 173
Laki / 174
Literature / 175
Education / 179
Press & Electronic Mass Media / 181

Chapter 7: Society
National Identity / 183
National Character / 186
The Pahlawan / 187
The Mountains / 188
The Jash / 188
Social Organization / 191
Status of Women & Family Life / 193

Chapter 8: Political and Contemporary Issues
Nation-States and Kurdish Nationalism / 197
Geopolitics / 201
Political Culture 8c Leadership / 204
Current Political Elite / 205
Regionalism / 207
Political Parties / 209
Iran / 209
Iraq / 212
Turkey / 215
Syria / 218

Chapter 9: Economy
Natural Resources / 221
Oil / 221
Other Minerals / 223
Water / 224
Agriculture / 227
Nomadic Economy: A Postscript / 229
Industries / 231
Trade / 233
Employment / 234

Chapter 10: Culture and Arts
Popular Culture / 237
Folklore & Folk Tales / 239
Festivals, Ceremonies, & Calendar / 241
Dance / 245
Theater & Motion Pictures / 246
Decorative Designs & Motifs / 248
Rugs & Fabrics / 250
Costumes & Jewelry / 256
Sculpture & Painting / 261
Architecture & Urban Planning / 263
Music / 265

List of Maps

The Comparative Size of Western Europe, Eastern United States, and Contiguous Kurdistan / 2
Kurdistan in the Context of the Middle East / 4
Kurds and their Ethnic Neighbors / 5
Major Territorial Fluctuations of Kurdish Ethnic Domains in the Past 3000 Years / 6
Administrative Units of Contemporary Kurdistan / 7
The Seven Major Internal Subdivisions of Kurdistan / 9
Native Kurdish Provincial Subdivisions / 10
Mountain Systems of Southwest Asia / 14
Land Elevation / 15
Mean Annual Temperatures / 16
Mean Annual Rainfall in Contiguous Kurdistan / 17
Extent of the Halaf Culture of Kurdistan, Circa 6000-5400 BC / 26
Early Kingdoms and City-States in Kurdistan to the Formation of the Median Empire / 29
Empire of the Qutils, Circa 2100 BC / 30
Median Empire at Its Greatest Extent, 549 BC / 33
Kurdish Kingdoms of Parthian/Roman Era / 36

Pontian Kurdish Empire under King Mithradates VI, Circa 86 BC / 37
The Buwêyhid Daylamite Dynasties, 932-1062 AD / 43
The Ayyubid Kurdish Empire, 1169-15th Century / 44
The Domain of the Kurdish Dynasties of the Medieval Period (excluding the Buwayhids) / 47
Kurdish Principalities of Early Modern Times / 53
Kingdom of the Zands in 1779 AD / 55
Provisions of the Treaty of Sêvres for an Independent Kurdistan, 1921 / 58
Kurdistan and Armenia Immediately following World War I / 60
Kurdish Uprisings and Nationalist Movements, 1880-1939 / 63
Kurdish Political Enclaves, 1920-75 / 66
Tribes and Tribal Confederacies / 75

Kurdish Migrations 15th to 6th Century BC: Coming of the Aryans and Other Indo-European Tribes / 89
Kurdish Migrations, 5th Century BC to 4th Century AD: The Ethnic Homogenization of Late Classical Period / 90
Kurdish Migrations, 5th to 12th Century AD: Population Surplus and Outflow / 93
Kurdish Migrations: 12th Century AD to Present: Detail of Expansion Pulses of Kurm&nji-Speaking, Sunni Muslim Kurdish Nomads / 97
Major Deportation Episode of the Kurds in the Course of the 16th-17th Centuries (Northern and Western Kurdistan) and 18th Century (Central, Eastern, and Southern Kurdistan) / 105
33 Major Kurdish Deportations of the 20th Century: Approximate Extent of the Affected Areas / 106

34 Impact of WWI on the Kurdish Population: Death Ratio at Provincial Levels / 116
35 Cities and Towns in Southern, Central, and Eastern Kurdistan / 123
36 Urban Centers of Western and Northern Kurdistan / 124
37 Ethnic Minorities in Kurdistan / 127
38 Religious Composition of Kurdistan / 134
39 Linguistic Composition of Kurdistan / 171
40 Major Kurdish Political Parties and the Approximate Limit of their Main Area of Operation at Present / 211

41 Petroleum Deposits and Facilities in Kurdistan / 222
42 River Systems of Contiguous Kurdistan / 225

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