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Strange Lands and Friendly People

Auteur :
Éditeur : Harper & brothers Date & Lieu : 1951, New York
Préface : Pages : 336
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 140x210 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Ang. Lp. Gen. 4Thème : Général

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Strange Lands and Friendly People

Strange Lands and Friendly People

William O. Douglas

Harper & Brothers

Soviet propaganda beamed to the Middle East exploits the news of the day. It emphasizes and exaggerates the weaknesses and frailties in existing regimes. It constantly reminds the natives of their grievances. It whispers suspicions about those in power. It charges America and England with having designs on every nation in the region, with planning to make each one a subservient colony in a large imperial system. It represents the Soviets as the forces of Good in the world, America and England and all non-Communist governments as the forces of Evil. It identifies the Soviets with every minority cause, with every nationalist ambition.

Soviet propaganda does not neglect the ...


William O. Douglas

Strange Lands and Friendly People

Harper & Brothers

Harper & Brothers Publishers
Of Men and Mountains
Strange Lands and Friendly People
Books by William O. Douglas

New York

Strange Lands and Friendly People
Copyright, 1951, by William O. Douglas
Printed in the United States of America
All rights in this book are reserved.
No part of the book may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles and reviews.
For information address Harper & brothers
49 East 33rd Street, New York 16, N. Y.

Library of Congress catalog card number 51-11901

To the memory of my mother
Julia Fisk Douglas
Who once knew poverty in the
Middle East meaning of the word


Feeling that readers of this volume would be particularly interested in the Iranian (Persian) scene, the publishers are including a special section of pictures of that area (taken by the author and his friend Elon Gilbert).

Frontispiece William O. Douglas and his son, Bill Jr.

The following photographs will be found in a group facing page 112
Ghashghai mansion and gardens, Shiraz
Old home of Ilkhan of Debukri tribe of Kurds, Bukan
Nasser Khan, head of the Ghashghais, with the author on Namdam plain
Ghashghais on fall migration, 1950
Kurdish women, Debukri tribe, washing dishes in spring, Bukan
Ghashghais on fall migration, 1950
Amar Khan Sharifi, Ilkhan of the Shakkak tribe of the Kurds
Lurs sacrificing steer in honor of arrival of the author
A typical Kurd
Ziad Khan, winner of the Ghashghai shooting contest
Bakhtiari performing a stick dance
Thrashing floor, Azerbaijan
Bakhtiari women
Morteza Gholi Khan Samsam, Ilkhan of the Bakhtiaris, Shalamzar
Persian goats eat even the blossoms of thisdes
Russian border, Azerbaijan, Persia
Persian girl gathering chips for winter fuel
A street in a typical Persian village
Typical tent and family of Bakhtiari goatherd
The author and Ahmad Khan, chief of the Papi tribe of the Lurs
The author interviewing Lurs of the Papi tribe
Maku, Azerbaijan

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