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The Condition of The Working Class In Iran

Auteur :
Éditeur : European Committee For The Defence of Democratic Rights of Workers in Iran Date & Lieu : 1978, Florence
Préface : Pages : 476
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : Allemand, Anglais, FrançaisFormat : 150x205 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Ang. Cha. Sit. Gen. 457Thème : Général

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The Condition of The Working Class In Iran

The Condition of The Working Class In Iran

Cosroe Chaqueri

European Committee

That Iran has yet to know democracy needs hardly any mention; that she has suffered the most destructive blows at the hands of the ferocious dictatorship1 of the Pahlavis ever since the coup d'état of 1921 is also too well-known; that the opposition in Iran has fought this regime with its meagre means so as to bring about changes is public knowledge as well. What has, however, remained obscure is the conditions of the working masses in that country. No doubt the Left is to be blamed for that! For even at the time when it Was at the apex of its "gauchisme" — to the point of complete paralysis, — it was not as concerned with the fate of the working class as it should have been. The "gauchisme" was disruptive, not constructive ; it was blind refusal of the historical possibility to do what it had claimed. It was not at the service of the working masses; it only paid them lip-service.

As a result, no effort was ever made to know the historical conditions of the genesis and development of this class. Nor was its real struggle even studied, appraised, or used as a lesson.



Cosroe Chaqueri

The Condition of The Working Class In Iran

European Committee

The Condition of The Working
Class In Iran

(A Documentary History)

La Situation de la Classe
Laborieuse en Iran

(Une Histoire Documentaire)

Die Lage der Arbeitenden Klasse im Iran

(Eine Dokumentarische Geschichte)

Published For:
Publié Pour:
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Publicata Per:

European Committee For
The Defence of Democratic Rights of Workers in Iran

Comite Europeen Pour la Defense
Des Droits Democratiques des Travailleurs en Iran

Das Europäische Komittee zur Verteidigung
Der Arbeiter im Iran

Comitato Europeo per la Difesa
Dei Diritti Democratici dei Lavoratori İraniani

Research and Preparation: Cosroe Chaqueri
© October 1978

Adresse Provisoire: C.P. 46, 50100, Florence, Italy

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