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The Kurdish Nationalist Movement

Auteur :
Éditeur : Cambridge University Press Date & Lieu : 2006-01-01, Cambridge
Préface : Pages : 292
Traduction : ISBN : 978-0-511-16177-3
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 134x208 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Ang. 4457Thème : Politique

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The Kurdish Nationalist Movement

The Kurdish Nationalist Movement

David Romano’s book focuses on the Kurdish case to try and make sense of ethnic nationalist resurgence more generally. In a world rent by a growing number of such conflicts, the questions posed about why, how and when such challenges to the state are mounted are becoming increasingly urgent. Throughout, the author analyzes these questions through the lens of social movement theory, considering in particular politico-social structures, resource mobilization strategies, and cultural identity. His conclusions offer some thought-provoking insights into Kurdish nationalism, as well as into the strengths and weaknesses of various social movement theories. While the book offers a rigorous conceptual approach, the empirical material – the result of the author’s first-hand experience in the region – makes it a compelling read. It will find a readership not only amongst students of the Middle East, but also amongst those interested in ethnic relations, minority rights, terrorism, state repression, social movement theories, and many other related issues.


The Kurdish Nationalist
Opportunity, Mobilization, and Identity
David Romano
Inter-University Consortium for Arab and Middle East Studies,
Montreal, Canada

cambridge university press
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge cb2 2ru, UK
First published in print format
isbn-13 978-0-521-85041-4
isbn-13 978-0-521-68426-2
isbn-13 978-0-511-16177-3
© David Romano 2006
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isbn-10 0-521-68426-9
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DAVID ROMANO is Senior Fellow Researcher at the Inter-University Consortium for Arab and Middle East Studies (ICAMES), Montreal, Canada. His research focuses on nationalism and transnational social movements, especially in the Middle East.


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