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Same Home Different Languages

Auteur :
Éditeur : DİSA Date & Lieu : 2014, Diyarbakır
Préface : Pages : 158
Traduction : ISBN : 978-605-5458-23-2
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 160x235 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Ang.Thème : Linguistique

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
Same Home Different Languages


Home Different Languages   

Handan Çağlayan


Handan Çağlayan, received her PhD in 2006 from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Ankara University. Until 2013 she worked at Education and Science Workers' Union (Eğitim ve Bilim Emekçileri Sendikası / Eğitim Sen) as a gender equality expert. Currently, she gives lectures on gender related issues. Çağlayan conducts studies on class, ethnicity and gender based inequality and interactions between them. Published books:

- Analar, Yoldașlar, Tanrıçalar / Kürt Hareketinde Kadınlar ve Kürt Kadın Kimliğinin lnșası Mothers, Companions, Goddesses / Women in Kurdish Movement and Construction of Kurdish Women's Identity]
- Egitim ișkolunda çalıșan Kadınların Sosyal Hakları ve İș Güvencesi (ed.) [Social Rights and Job Security of Women Working in Education Sector] (together with Elif Akgül Ateș)
- Ne Değiști? / Kürt Kadınların Zorunlu Göç Deneyimi [What has changed? / Kurdish Women's Forced Migration Experience] (together with Șemsa Özar and Ayșe Tepe Dogan)
- Kürt Kadınların Penceresinden: Resmi Kimlik Politikaları, Milliyetçilik ve Barıș Mücadelesi [From Kurdish Women's Perspective. Official Identity Policies, Nationalism and Struggle for Peace]

Same Home Different Languages
/ intergenerational Language Shift / Tendencies, Limitations, Opportunities / The Case of Diyarbakir report was prepared as a part of the Mother Tongue First: Mother Tongue and Multilingualism in Education project supported by the Diyarbakir Institute for Political and Social Research (DISA), Open Society Foundation, Diyarbakir Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DTSO), Eğitim Sen, Association of Common Solution in Education (Eğitimde Ortak çözüm Derneği - EOÇD),Heinrich Böll Stiftung Association (HBSD) and Kurdish Education and Language Movement (TZP Kurdî). The opinions presented in the report may not necessarily reflect the opinions of DISA, Open Society Foundation, DTSO, Eğitim Sen, EOÇD,HBSD and TZP Kurdî.


Table des Matières


Preface / 11

Introduction / 19
A. Field, scope and methodology other research / 26
B. Reaching the interviewees and the language of interviews / 30
C. Difficulties encountered / 32
D. Evaluating the findings together with the interviewees / 34
E. Framework of the report / 34
F. Representativeness of the research / 35

Chapter one
Concepts and approaches to mother tongue, bilingualism and monolingualisation / 37
A. Concepts and approaches / 37
B. Multilingualism and official language policies in turkey / 49

Chapter two
Generations and languages / 57
A. Diyarbakir: a multilingual city / 57
B. General tendencies in language use among different generations / 63
1. Persistence of the First Generation / 64
2. Caillou, Pepe and Keloğlan / 71
3. Bridging Role of the Second Generation / 73
4. Learning Turkish for the Sake of Grandchildren / 77
5. Which Language Where? / 83
6. A Bilingual Life / 83
7.Language of Emotions / 86
8. The Last Shelter of Mother Tongue: Secret Talks / 87
C. Migration and mother tongue: from Xweylin to Adana and Çorlu / 89
1.Xweylin: A Village Concealed in a Multitude of Historical Names / 89
2. Șakir pașa in Adana: Ben u Sen's Projection in Adana / 92
3. Education, Employment, Social Circles and Mother Tongue in Çorlu / 93
D. School in Another Language / 96
1.Starting School / 98
2. Curriculum and Teachers / 100
E. Language, Identity, Trauma / 107
1.To Fear and Love / 108
2. To Forget and Come Back to the Forgotten / 109
F. Perception of Languages and Hierarchy / 112
G. Socio-Political Context: The Political Economy of Language / 117
1.Three Neighbourhoods, Two Tendencies / 117
2. "Language That Comes in Handy" / 121
3."Bazara Ziman" / 125
H. Gender and Moth Ertongue / 128
1. Mother Tongue, Father Tongue / 130
2. Home Language as Cover for Home / 131
3.Village, Patriarchy, Kurdish / 132
4.TV Series, City Image and Turkish / 134

Chapter Three
Language Reversal, Challenges and Limitations / 137
In Lieu of Conclusion / 147

Bibliograph / 154

Acronyms and Abbreviations

DDKO Devrimci Doğu Kültür Ocakları (Revolutionary Eastern Cultural Hearths)
Efitim-Sen Bilim ve Eğitim Emekcileri Sendikası (Education and Science Workers Union)
KCK Koma Civakên Kurdistan (Kurdistan Communities Union)
PKK Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (Worker's Party of Kurdistan)
Tip Turkiye İșçi Partisi (Worker's Party ofTurkey)

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