2011 - The Kurdish Nationalist Movements in Turkey
2010 - Kürt Meselesi ve Türkiye - İran ilişkileri
2009-01-01 - Türkiye'de Kürtler: Barış Süreci İçin Temel Gereksinimler
2005-01-01 - Nationalism and State Formation in Kurdistan-lraq
2001 - Turkey’s Relations with Iran, Syria, Israel, and Russia
1998 - The Kurdish Question and Turkish-Iranian Relations
1997 - Middle East Policy: Turkey-Syria Relations; Kurds and Water
1996-01-01 - The Kurdish Nationalist Movement in the 1990s
1996 - Middle East Policy, V – IV, N° 3: The Kurdish Question and Chechnya
1996 - Imperial Meanderings and Republican By-Ways
1994-01-01 - Les Kurdes et les Etats dans Peuples mediterraneens n° 68-69
1992 - Kürt Milliyetçiliğinin Kaynakları ve Şeyh Said İsyanı
1989 - The Emergence of Kurdish Nationalism and the Sheikh Said Rebellion