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Saddam's documents

Nivîskar : U. S. Senate
Weşan : USGPO Tarîx & Cîh : 1992, Washington
Pêşgotin : Rûpel : 16
Wergêr : ISBN : 0-16-039452-X
Ziman : ÎngilîzîEbad : 145x230 mm
Hejmara FIKP : Br. Gen. 198Mijar : Siyaset

Saddam's documents

Saddam's documents [English, Washington, 1992]

Kurdistan in the Time of Saddam Hussein [English, Washington, 1991]

Chemical weapons use in Kurdistan [English, Washington, 1988]

Saddam's documents

U. S. Senate

U. S. G. P. O

Letter of transmittal

May 21, 1992.

The Hon. Claiborne Pell,
Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations,
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Chairman: At your direction, I travelled to Iraqi Kurdistan between April 16 and 27. The purpose of my trip was to examine and retrieve captured Iraqi secret police documents. These documents detail extensive atrocities committed against the Kurdish population of northern Iraq, including torture, destruction of villages and cities, and mass murder.
Together with the testimony of survivors and the physical evidence of destruction, the captured documents support a charge that Iraq's policy in Kurdistan constituted crimes against humanity and genocide.


May 21, 1992.

The Hon. Claiborne Pell,
Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations,
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Chairman: At your direction, I travelled to Iraqi Kurdistan between April 16 and 27. The purpose of my trip was to examine and retrieve captured Iraqi secret police documents. These documents detail extensive atrocities committed against the Kurdish population of northern Iraq, including torture, destruction of villages and cities, and mass murder.

Together with the testimony of survivors and the physical evidence of destruction, the captured documents support a charge that Iraq's policy in Kurdistan constituted crimes against humanity and genocide.

The Kurdish parties that captured the documents have agreed to transport them out of Iraq for safekeeping and for use in the prosecution of Iraqi officials. During my visit, I was able to arrange the turnover to the U.S. military of 40 cubic meters of documents. These have now been transported to the United States by the military and are being stored at the National Archives under the control of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

My mission would not have been possible without the extraordinary support given by the U.S. military, and in particular, the forces in Operation Provide Comfort. In addition, I benefited from the hospitality and assistance of many Kurdish friends.

Attached is the report on my mission as well as on the 9-month Foreign Relations Committee effort to retrieve the documents.

Peter W. Galbraith

U. S. Senate

Saddam's documents

U. S. G. P. O

U. S. Government Printing Office
102d congress, 2d Session
Committee print
Spt. 102-111

Saddam's documents

A report to the
Committee on Foreign Relations
United States Senate

May 1992

Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations
U. S. Government printing office
60-181cc Washington : 1992
For sale by the U. S. Government printing office
Superintendent of documents,
Congressional sales office,
Washington, DC 20402

Committee on Foreign Relations

Claiborne Pell, Rhode Island, Chairman
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Delaware
Jesse Helms, North Carolina
Paul S. Sarbanes, Maryland
Richard G. Lugar, Indiana
Alan Cranston, California
Nancy L. Kassebaum, Kansas
Christopher J. Dodd, Connecticut
Larry Pressler, South Dakota
John F. Kerry, Massachusetts
Frank H. Murkowski, Alaska
Paul Simon, Illinois
Mitch Mcconnell, Kentucky
Terry Sanford, North Carolina
Hank Brown, Colorado
Daniel P. Moynihan, New York
James M. Jeffords, Vermont
Charles S. Robb, Virginia
Harris Wofford, Pennsylvania
Geryld B. Christianson, Staff Director
James W. Nance, Minority Staff Director

ISBN 0-16-039452-X

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