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Têkoșer, n°40

Éditeur : Têkoșer Date & Lieu : 1988, Bruxelles
Préface : Pages : 32
Traduction : ISBN : 0773-3887
Langue : Anglais, Kurde, TurcFormat : 195x275 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Kur. Tur. Yal. Tek. 40Thème : Général

Têkoșer, n°40

Têkoșer, n°43 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1989]

Dossier Kurdistan [Français, Bruxelles, 1988]

Têkoșer, n°42 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1988]

Têkoșer, n°41 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1988]

Têkoșer, n°40 [English, Bruxelles, 1988]

Têkoșer, n°39 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1988]

Têkoșer, n°38 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1987]

Têkoșer, n°37 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1987]

Têkoșer, n°36 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1987]

Têkoșer, n°35 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1987]

Têkoșer, n°34 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1986]

Têkoșer, n°33 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1986]

Têkoșer, n°32 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1986]

Têkoșer, n°31 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1986]

Têkoșer, bilan 1985 [Français, Bruxelles, 1985]

Têkoșer, n° 30 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1985]

Têkoșer, n° 29 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1985]

Têkoșer, n° 28 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1985]

Têkoșer, n° 27 [Kurdî, Bruxelles, 1984]

Têkoșer, bilan 1984 [Français, Bruxelles, 1984]

Têkoșer, n°40

M. Nezih Yalçın


Di mêjuya 14 Nîsan 1988 de, di civîneke giştî ya Parlementa Ewropa, li Strasbourg, de, bi pejirandina (qebûlkirin) hema tevayiya parlementeran, hîkûmeta Iraqê, ji bo bikaranîna çekên șîmîk û qirkirina gelê kurd li Halabca, bi awakî gelek vekirî û xurt hat mahkûm kirirt. Em li jêr metnê vê biryarê weka xwe bi ingilîzî, diweşînin:



Halabca li Parlementa Ewropa / 3
Halabca: Xebat li Beljîka, Pervîn / 5
Hevpeyvîn bi Prof. Heyndrickx re, Derwês / 8
Dîroka Kurdistanê di Ànsîklopêdiya Islamê de (XII), Civaka Kurdî (4) / 10
Nêçîr, Osman Sebri / 15
Helbest: Lo Kurdino!, Sahînê B. Soreklî / 21
Rêzimana Kirdî (XIII): Nișank li ser parekan (2), C. Bedir Xan û R. Lescot / 23
Xebata me / 28
Têkoser'den haberler / 30


Halabdja au Parlement Européen / 3
Halabdja: Activités en Belgique, Pervin / 5
Entretien avec Prof. Heyndrickx, Derwês / 8
Histoire du Kurdistan dans (Encyclopédie de l'Islam (XIII): la Société kurde (4) / 10
La chasse chez les Kurdes, Osman Sebrî / 15
Poème: O Kurdes!, Sahînê B. Soreklî / 21
Grammaire kurde (XIII): remarques sur les particules (2), Dj. B. Khan et R. L. / 23
Nos activités trimestrielles / 28



Di mêjuya 14 Nîsan 1988 de, di civîneke giştî ya Parlementa Ewropa, li Strasbourg, de, bi pejirandina (qebûlkirin) hema tevayiya parlementeran, hîkûmeta Iraqê, ji bo bikaranîna çekên șîmîk û qirkirina gelê kurd li Halabca, bi awakî gelek vekirî û xurt hat mahkûm kirirt. Em li jêr metnê vê biryarê weka xwe bi ingilîzî, diweşînin:

on the use of Chemical weapons in the Iran-Iraq war
The European Parliament,

- having regard to the international convention on the prévention of the crime of génocide adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 9 December 1948,

- having regard to the Geneva Protocol of 17 June 1925 prohibiting the military use of toxic, asphyxiate or similar gases and bacteriological substances and Resolutions 2162 B (XXIV), 26U3 A (XXIV) and 26U3 B (XXIV) also adopted by the United Nations General Assembly,

- having regard to the Declaration adopted in May 1987 by the United Nations Security Council condemning the use of Chemical weapons in the war between Iraq and Iran,

- having regard to the numerous resolutions by the European Parliament demanding a total ban on Chemical and bacteriological weapons,

A. whereas since 1980 a bitter war has been in progress between Iran and Iraq, resulting in the deaths of many hundreds of thousands of men, women and children and in the injury and suffering of countless others,

B. outraged that the Iraq government has immeasurably increased the horror of this war by the use of Chemical weapons in particular during the air raids on 16/17 March 1988 on the Kurdish town of Halabja and other places situated in Iraq territory, but at that time overrun by Iranian forces,

C. whereas these air raids are reported to hâve cost 5 500 lives and to have injured thousands of other people, mainly among the indigenous Kurdish population,

D. distressed by the atrocious sufferings of hundreds of victims who have suffered burns to their eyes, Lungs and their whole bodies and who in most cases will die as a result or will suffer for the rest of their lives from the irreversible effects of the gases which have affected their nervous and blood Systems,


M. Nezih Yalçın

Têkoșer, n°40


Kovara Têkoșer
Hejmar: 40, Sal: 1988
Dosya Halabca
Revue trimestrielle
Driemaandelijks blad

Kovara Têkoşer
Yekîtiya Karker û
Xwendekarên Kurd li Belçîka

4 Rue Bonneels
1030 Bruxelles
Tel: 02/230.89.30

Navnîșana postê:
B.P. 33 - 1730 Zellik

M. Nezih Yalçın

Komita Nivîskariyê:
Derwêş, Nezîh, Pervîn

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